Showing 5 Result(s)

Is It Time For A Tune Up? 4 Tips Including Back Pain To Tell If Your Body Is Asking (Or Begging) for some TLC..

Its time for many of us who have been neglecting our health. Whether experiencing back pain, putting off looking after ourselves, or just avoiding the screams of our body to do something positive to support it. From a musculo-skeletal point of view, the body seeks balance and fluidity. Over-worked muscles that eventually fatigue and contract …

Can An Old Injury Still Be Causing Me Issues?

SAlthough every injury is different. It is safe to say that there will be some degree of residual compensation over the years, even if asymptomatic. This is especially true if there was some direct or sudden trauma. Such as a car accident or a fall that wasn’t dealt with correctly. Over time, weakness and scar …

Vancouver Chiropractic asks “PSOAS or not PSOAS?”

Psoas or not Psoas? That is the ultimate question I ask myself when it comes to finding the cause of post-partum muscle overcompensation in the lower back. When a woman who has just given birth comes in for a chiropractic evaluation and treatment. I determine why there is a pattern of muscle contraction causing pain and dysfunction …